Take this into consideration when you post on social networking. While you might think going to Vegas, trespassing on Mike Tyson's property and taking pictures with his Tiger is great fun, you really shouldn't be posting this to social media.
In 2014, recruiting platform Jobsite released their annual social networking survey and those who think social networking doesn't matter for their career are in trouble.
Survey Stats:
- 93% of participant managers will review a candidate's social networking before hiring them
- 55% have reconsidered a candidate based on their findings; 61% of these candidates were put on the 'don't hire' list after this second look
- 83% won't hire someone who mentions illegal drugs
- 70% won't hire someone who posts 'sexual' content
- 44% thought negatively about alcohol posts
On the flip side, the study uncovered social networking can also be a tool in building your career.
79% of employers hired candidates from LinkedIn, 26% through Facebook and 11% through Twitter.
When you post to Instagram or Twitter, does your Facebook repost these? Use cross-promotion to spread your brand, rather than hinder your chances of landing a job, or even keeping your job. Some organizations even have clauses that require you to reflect their brand at all times.
When you post to Instagram or Twitter, does your Facebook repost these? Use cross-promotion to spread your brand, rather than hinder your chances of landing a job, or even keeping your job. Some organizations even have clauses that require you to reflect their brand at all times.
In Short:
- Use social networking as an opportunity to brand yourself positively. Showcase yourself. Post about your volunteer efforts.
- Don't post anything you wouldn't want your grandmother to see. Chances are if she doesn't want to see it, neither does your employer.
- Social networking matters. Everyone will see what you post including your colleagues, boss, and potential employers. And if they don't see it, someone will tell them about it. Gossip spreads quicker than you can delete a post.